How to we do Our Part to keep Learners Safe?

  1. Comprehensive Criminal Background Checks are annually passed for every individual* Membership Owner on the site and Newsletter. We use S2Verify to conduct these background checks.
  2. We review all information posted to Membership Owner’s Profiles
  3. We will take down any Membership Owner’s profile(s) if we get notice of inappropriate or illegal behavior.

*Businesses who choose to advertise on our site with Membership Profiles are not required to complete a Background Check. They should be doing those for themselves and their employees anyways. We instead require them to send in a copy of their business license along with their website URL to ensure their business is legitimate.

Tips on Best Safety Practices

For Membership Owners –

  1. Consider teaching in a public space.
  2. Consider meeting beforehand with the Learner and/or their parent when applicable via Zoom.

For website Users (Learners)

  1. Due your research on your own to ensure the best you can an Educator is legitimate and safe.
  2. Stay with your young learner, when applicable, throughout the lessons.
  3. Consider meeting the educator beforehand via Zoom, or for the first time in person in a public setting or group lesson.

Please contact us at [email protected] with any safety concerns or questions.