Rebekah Kjar Clarinet Studio



Utah based clarinetist Rebekah Kjar has performed worldwide with various ensembles in Australia, Asia, the Middle East, and across North America. As a founding member of Duo from the Heights, Rebekah has actively been involved in expanding chamber music repertoire through premieres and commissions, including working with composers Judith Shatin, David Ashton, and Jordyn Gallinek. Her chamber music groups have received awards at the MTNA Chamber Music Competitions and the Barlow Commissioning Grant.  She currently teaches as Adjunct Clarinet Faculty at Brigham Young University. Previously, she has taught at the Marymount School of New York as well as with the Harmony Program. Rebekah received her master’s degree from New York University studying under Pavel Vinnitsky, and her bachelor’s degree at Brigham Young University studying under Jaren Hinckley. As an educator, Rebekah strives to help students grow a lifelong love and understanding of music. She believes in creating a lesson environment where students can feel confident and curious. Her students feel comfortable asking questions and exploring new ideas.

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Rebekah Kjar
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